Hello! I just wanted to give a little bit of an update on Finny boy. I adopted Finn back in december of 2020, and I kept his name Finn because I thought it just fit him. We call him Finny, Finn Finn, etc. He has gotten so big and hes just about to turn 6 months I’m hoping he’s going to be a big ol kitty. He loves my dog Jessie, they play together all the time. He is a very healthy and shiny boy. He’s the biggest snuggler and loves to lay on chests and laps, he’s very good with getting his nails trimmed and he loves his front paws and ears rubbed, knocks him right out. Surprisingly he plays fetch with a specific toy, he loves laundry baskets, boxes, water, people and of course things he’s not supposed to play with haha. He’s very curious and loves to be involved hes got the biggest personality ive seen! He‘s not skiddish at all, he greets new people hes never seen before. He’s my little personal shadow and follows me everywhere I go. He has very quickly became my bestfriend I’m so happy to have found him when I did! Here’s a few of my favorite pics!