A late but necessary update of Spyder’s life since he was brought home— much to his sad meowing protests from inside the cat carrier— in February. We took this little floof home expecting him to take a while to acclimate, but as soon as we let him out of the cat carrier, he was investigating his first room and loving on his new humans. He quickly grew from being a shy, affectionately-dubbed-by-his-vet “Nervous Guy” to being a cuddly, curious little bug.
We also learned why he was named “Spyder”, as nothing he can see is off-limits to climb or hide under. He’s also silent while doing so, and has learned to give a polite squeak announcing his arrival when climbing up next to you, which is most likely due to him learning that some humans (me) gain quite a fright by a cat simply appearing next to your head out of thin air. Much like a real spider!
One of his favorite hobbies is demanding to be held like a baby whenever you are busy, which slows down work productivity, but the humans seem to agree that this is a small price to pay for appeasing Spyder’s demands. He also likes to yell at you to turn on the sink faucet whenever you head near the bathroom, or slap your ankles from under the door when you have the audacity to go to the bathroom without his supervision.
We also worried about Shadow getting acclimated to having another cat in the house, but 2 months in, they seem to get along rather well. The pair love to chase each other around the house at odd hours of the night, pull pranks on each other, and try to sneak the other‘s treats, but at the end of the day they’ll be found napping together in their favorite bed without a care in the world.
We’d like to thank the helpful and wonderful staff at Tiny Lions for giving us the opportunity to let these two wonderful cats into our lives. Life just wouldn’t be the same without them!